Feed Factory

The feed facility, founded to contribute to the stockbreeding sector, which is one of the secondary sectors, supported by the sugar industry, started production in April 2009 with a production capacity of 1000 tons per day and approximately 350.000 tons per year. Aiming to produce high quality feed by following up the feed technology, the facility succeeded in a short time with increasing demand. As a result of this, the additional facility, built with a 400 tons per day additional capacity to increase capacity to supply the increasing demand and to support the products of corn producers, whose planting increased in Konya region, was put into operation in January 2013. Thus, the factory reached 1400 tons per day and approximately 500.000 tons per year production capacity. As a result of the cooperation, made with TUBITAK and the university, feed varieties for cattle, small cattle and fowl and corn flakes are produced at the factory.

One of the factories with full automation, with the largest production capacity in Turkey, aims to produce high grade products with its expert team, which follows the developments in feed technology and animal feeding closely. The facility, which has increased demand for products, such as corn and barley, aims to diversify and increase the incomes of producers by contributing to the development of stockbreeding in the region by expanding the planting area of these products and thus also increasing efficiency in stockbreeding. The facility regulates the product prices in favor of producers to increase incomes of producers during its high volume purchases in the harvest season.

Seker Yem Brand products reach the producers via Beet Planters Cooperation from Cumra Feed Plant, which is one of the most modern and largest feed factories in Turkey. Birinci Feed Brand reaches the producers through its select dealer organization. Both brands have a wide product range in pellet and granüle form for cattle, small cattle, fowl and special feed groups.

Konya seker, which is a producing company and carries its responsibility, continues to be beside the producers with Cumra Feed Factory as well. It provides service for the producers in the field with animal feeding specialists, zootechnicians-agricultural engineers and veterinarians and also makes one on one customer visits, organizes Village Training seminars, Farm Days, Large Stockbreeder meetings and provides training for the producers related to the latest developments about animal care and feeding in addition to these. It supports the producers for the most economical and healthy animal feeding with the Total Mixture Rations, prepared specially for the businesses of the producers by animal feeding specialists at the feed factory and in the field.



Calf Feeds
Calf Starter Feed
Calf Grower Feed

Dairy Cattle Feeds
Heifer Feed
Pregnant-Dry Period Feed
Dairc Cattle 1860 Feed
Dairc Cattle 1960 Feed
Dairc Cattle 1970 Feed
Dairc Cattle 1890 Feed
Dairc Cattle 2170 Feed
Dairc Cattle 2280 Feed
Grain Dairy Cattle Feed

Fattening Feeds
Fattening 1450 Feed
Fattening Developer Feed
Fattening Finisher Feed
Grain Fattening Feed


Lamb Feeds
Lamb Starter Feed
Lamb Grower Feed

Sheep and Goat Feeds
Sheep and Goat Dairy Cattle Feed
Sheep and Goat Grain Dairy Cattle Feed
Yearling Fattening Feed


Layer Feeds
Layer Chick Feed
Layer Chicken Grower Feed
Layer Hen Feed

Broiler Feeds
Broiler Chick Feed
Broiler Chicken Feed


Corn Flakes

Birinci Feed Catalog